First Run, stuck at "import your nFT
Philippe Delvigne
I was running the app for the first time, went through the tutorial, chose "crypto key", the page to "import NFT" appeared but the place where the nft was supposed to appear was empty. I clicked the "import" button anyway but nothing happened and from there I was unable to go anyhere. Had to force-close the app, run it again, then it took me straight to the "NFT import" page and then the NFT appeared & was importable
Philippe Delvigne
after a few attempts, closing both LOCKR and METAMASK and relaunching them, I finally managed to connect the wallet & register it. It seems like it works only when Metamask doesn't have to "re-login", which requires a VERY fast switch between the 2 apps (if you stay a few seconds on Lockr and then click on the "connect" button, Metamask requires you to login agin, and the sign message never appears)
I'd suggest maybe adding a "timeout" delay once the user clicks "connect" in Lockr, so that Metamask would properly login BEFORE Lockr sends the signature request?